I publish this site as a hobby; not only for my own reference and enjoyment, but hopefully so that others might find it useful. While I'm happy to provide all the content, your contributions can help expand Bolex Collector even further. How can you help, you ask?

If you're the generous sort, a very small monetary donation is appreciated and helps cover the cost of operating this site. Donations are never required; a simple email letting me know you enjoyed this site is equally welcome and will go just as far in encouraging this site to remain online.

Send Information:

Whether you think some text needs clarification or correction, or if you have better information than I've provided, I'd like to hear from you. Scans and photos of unique items are also welcome; especially books, advertising or brochures. Full credit will always be given to anyone who contributes any content to this site.

Join the Community:

Visit our Facebook Page to discuss collecting and using Bolex cameras with others. Ask questions, share pictures, comment on the site or connect with other classic movie camera enthusiasts.

Other Ways to Contribute

If you've found this website to be informative, useful or entertaining, let me know. Suggestions on ways to improve or expand this site are always encouraged!

Of course, visiting Bolex Collector often, mentioning the site to your friends or linking to us from your blog or website is always appreciated. Thanks for your interest and patronage!